Love Your Dance Journey 705.293.7722

Why Does My Child Need To Wear A Uniform?

In this video I walk through the top 3 reasons why we wear uniforms in dance class. It’s about so much more than the clothing itself.

It’s about:

✅  Enclothed Cognition – the effect clothing has on a persons mental process and the way they think, feel, and function in areas of attention, confidence, and abstract thinking.

✅  Inclusion & Belonging – imagine the moment your child steps into the studio on their first day of dance, wearing the same uniform as their peers.  They instantly feel like they fit in, they’re part of our family, and connected to our community.

✅  Quality Training – uniform allows us as dance educators to provide high quality training, because we’re able to see and correct posture and body alignment to ensure your child is learning and dancing safely.

✅  Choreography – uniforms allow teachers to rehearse and clean choreography, because we can focus on what the dancers are doing without distracting clothing.